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Prof. Xu

Expert in: Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Pathology, Cancer Prevention and Treatment.

Prof. Xu obtained his M.D. degree from Anhui Medical University (Hefei, China) and Ph.D. from University of Gottingen (Gottingen, Germany). Prof. Xu, a retired associated professor from The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, TX), the number one cancer hospital and research institute in the USA. Trained as a cancer biologist in the Department of Tumor biology, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Prof. Xu obtained tenure-track and tenured positions in the Department of Cancer Prevention, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. His research interests were in areas of i). Alteration and functions nuclear receptors in head and neck, lung, breast, prostate, esophageal, skin, and renal cancers; ii). Mechanism of tobacco carcinogens in pathogenesis of lung and esophageal cancers; iii). Aberrant expression and functions of miRNAs in esophageal cancer; iv) Discovery of risk factors-altered gene expressions to develop novel strategies in prevention and early detection of esophageal and prostate cancers; and v). Chinese and Indian herbal medicine in prevention of esophageal and prostate cancers. His research was funded by The US National Institute of Health, National Cancer Institute, and private foundations. Prof. Xu’s group has published more 100 peer-reviewed research articles and total citations reached more than 4500 times. During his research tenure, Prof. Xu received several prestigious awards, like Young Scientist Achievement Award (The State of Niedersachsen, West Germany), The First Prize (UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center), Scientific Achievement Award (Houston Endowment Inc., Houston, TX), and Who’s Who (Marquis and Strathmore, USA). Prof. Xu was a section editor and associate editor of two international journals and reviewed hundreds of manuscripts for different journals, like JNCI, PNAS, Cancer Res, Oncogene, Clin Cancer Res, and Carcinogenesis, and grants for NCI, VA, and private foundations. To date, Prof. Xu has edited hundreds of manuscripts and helped the authors to get their research data published in higher impact journals.

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